
Take control of your allergy and asthma now!
Monitor your symptoms to better manage this annoying condition and enjoy life.
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The app

Am I among the 20 to 30 % of the worldwide population who have allergic rhinitis?
What is allergic rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is an allergic response to specific allergens. Pollen is the most common allergen in seasonal allergic rhinitis. But you can also experience a response to  grass pollen, dust mites, animal dander (dead skin), cat saliva and mould.

Is it a cold or allergic rhinitis? What are the symptoms? Am I concerned?
Why is it important for me to take control of my allergic rhinitis?

Treatment and management are keys to achieving good quality of life despite having allergies.
Some complications that can arise from allergic rhinitis include:

Excessive fatigue preventing you from doing what you want
Absence from school or work due to reduced ability to concentrate
Development or worsening of asthma symptoms
Inability to sleep due to symptoms keeping you awake at night

Your health is in your hands!

Gain insight and optimize your day-to-day living.
What is

MASK-air is an App dedicated to those who are bothered by allergic rhinitis.
Our goal is to give you the opportunity to regularly record all your symptoms, to facilitate optimal management of your condition and to improve your quality of life and day-to-day living with allergic rhinitis.

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The 7-day follow-up

You are invited to record your symptoms for at least 7 days in a row (answering a questionnaire), to record your current treatment and to monitor the consequences on your quality of life.

Manage your disease now
and in the future

Self-management and interaction with your healthcare provider

Your data enable your healthcare provider to better advise you on the most appropriate strategy and optimal treatment for your allergic rhinitis throughout the year and across different seasons.



Global health improvement

Help the community and foster research

In the mid-term, MASK-air will be able to benefit the community, thanks to collaborative use of the App (alerts, notifications, shared experiences…). Researchers will be able to better understand the effectiveness of treatment and guide research efforts to improve the management of allergic rhinitis in the future.

All you need to know about MASK-air in 1 minute
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To benefit thoroughly from the app, you are invited to record all your symptoms for at least 7 days in a row. This period of time will allow ...

  • You to efficiently follow the evolution of your symptoms and the impact of your treatment
  • Your health care provider to have adequate data to better advise you
  • Researchers to better exploit the data

So, are you ready for 7 days?

We can support you through a notification system that you can activate.



This App has been developed by an international team made up of the most eminent allergists in the world and led by Prof. Jean Bousquet, a famous French researcher, renowned for his experience, expertise and research leadership.